How do I uninstall iTimer?

on February 4th, 2014 Comments Off on How do I uninstall iTimer?

You can use the official iTimer Uninstaller: Download

How do I sign-in on iTimer Server and iTimer Client?

on February 4th, 2014 Comments Off on How do I sign-in on iTimer Server and iTimer Client?

The default password for the iTimer Server is “itimer” for the most recent version and “adminPass” for older versions. The default user id and password for iTimer Client is “admin” and “itimer” respectively. You can change the default password both on the server and the client by using the Change Password feature.

How can I put my business name, phone number etc on the iTimer Client screens?

on February 4th, 2014 Comments Off on How can I put my business name, phone number etc on the iTimer Client screens?

You can do this by signing in on the iTimer Client and then right clicking on the iTimer Client from the task bar and selecting “Settings”. On the settings screen, you can change the name, phone number and motto that is displayed on the iTimer Client screens. Consult the iTimer Insallation Guide here:

Can I use iTimer and Deep Freeze together?

on February 4th, 2014 Comments Off on Can I use iTimer and Deep Freeze together?

Yes, you can use them together but you have to make sure that iTimer is installed on a drive (partition) that has not been “frozen” by Deep Freeze. If that is the case, you will not be able to get meaningful reports from iTimer since the usage data will be erased by Deep Freeze after […]

How can I install iTimer on a stand alone computer?

on February 4th, 2014 Comments Off on How can I install iTimer on a stand alone computer?

You can do this by using the “Advanced” button on the iTimer installer. Consult the iTimer Insallation Guide here: