9th ICT Exhibition
We will be waiting to greet you with the latest and best offerings we have had so far. Don’t miss it! We’re located in the first hall booth 8 (walk to the right after entering the hall).
We will be waiting to greet you with the latest and best offerings we have had so far. Don’t miss it! We’re located in the first hall booth 8 (walk to the right after entering the hall).
Thank you for expressing interest in KelalWiFi.com We will get back to your very soon by phone or by email and will let you know how you can proceed.
መግለጫ የዋይ ፋይ አገልግሎት የሚሰጡ ወይም መስጠት መጀመር የሚፈልጉ ከሆነ ከአሁን በኃላ እፎይ ማለት ይችላሉ፡፡ ቀላል ዋይፋይን (KelalWiFi.com) በመጠቀም የኢንተርኔት መስመርዎን በአግባቡ በማዳረስ ገቢዎንና የደንበኞችዎን እርካታ መጨመር ይችላሉ ፡፡ ያለምንም ተጨማሪ ግዢ በአለዎት አክሰስ ፖይንት (Access Point) ብቻ ላይ ለውጥ አድርገን አገልግሎቱን እንዲያገኙ እናደርጋለን፡፡ አክሰስ ፖይንት ከሌለዎትም WiFi ለማስገባት ዝግጁ ከሆኑ አክሰስ ፖይንቶችን እናቀርባለን ፡፡ ቀላል […]
We will be waiting to greet you with the latest and best offerings we have had so far. Don’t miss it! We’re located in the first hall booths 7 & 8 (walk to the right after entering the hall).
M3 is a tiny box that connects your TV or computer monitor and opens up a world of fun, entertainment and productivity. Basically, it is a small yet powerful computer. It has a dual core A7 Cortex processor and 1GB of DDR3 RAM. It runs Android 4.2.2 (jellybean) operating system and through the Google Play […]
eGenzeb.com is a site where you can fill out and print all your tax forms (Ethiopian). It does all the necessary tax calculations for you and provides you a clean, completed form that you can print out and take to the tax office. It supports both Amharic and English forms and you can input text […]
We will be waiting to greet you with the latest and best offerings we have had so far. Get ready to get amazed. Don’t miss it! We’re located in the first hall booths 7 & 8 (walk to the right after entering the hall). Well, the exhibition has come and gone. Here are some […]
A very large and complex website which accepts online bookings and payments to hotels in Ethiopia.
Impact International Engineers’ website for their Addis Ababa, CMC appartments project.